About this session

Some children find aspects of literacy challenging because they are dyslexic. This may mean that they do not achieve age-appropriate levels in reading, spelling and writing. Their self-esteem and confidence in learning can be affected.

If you want to know more about dyslexia and want help identifying and support a child's difficulties, this session provides practical support and guidance.

What is dyslexia?

There are three main markers of dyslexia. When a child has significant difficulties within these areas, a diagnosis of dyslexia may be made by specialist assessor or Educational Psychologist.

Some children with dyslexia have other difficulties too. They may experience issues with organisation, attention, concentration and motor skills. These by themselves are not markers of dyslexia but may run alongside.

This session is packed with strategies to support dyslexic children in the classroom and at home, including dyslexia friendly practice, accessing text, writing and a wealth of ideas for you to add to your toolkit.

Useful for:

  • pupils who are struggling to develop literacy skills and may or may not have a formal diagnosis of dyslexia

Suitable for:

  • SENCos/ALNCos, Teachers, Learning Support Assistants and Parents

Also included:

  • Summary sheet of Key Points
  • Certificate of Attendance

Session Leader: Nicola Durrant

This session is led by Nicola Durrant, an Autism Specialist Teacher and Consultant as well as being a Mum to an amazing Autistic daughter. She worked as a SENCO for eight years and a specialist advisor for 13 years while also training as dyslexia assessor and gaining a Master’s degree in Autism. As an independent specialist teacher Nicola has a proven track record of first-class support and advice for parents and teachers and is a Director of SEND Station.

SEND Station

You will receive a warm welcome from us.

Our sessions are informal and informed, delivered with humility and humour and scope for interaction.

‘Sometimes learning is simply better online…SEND Station is a great destination to explore fresh, practical and great value training for those working with and supporting children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.’

Duration: 1.5 hrs

Price: per delegate
